For readers in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand: We won't be late!

In this day and age, you would think that with a push of a button a book could be released simultaneously all over the world, in all formats. Annoyingly enough, we are not at that day and age. We’re still dealing with contracts and subsidiary rights, licenses, and a bunch of other things that would bore you witless, were I to attempt explaining—presuming I could explain in any remotely intelligible fashion.

However, in this day and age, it is possible—if one has the right team, working diligently—for the eBook to come out in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand on the same exact day (well, allowing for time zones), as it does in the US and Canada. I’m very happy to report that my absolutely right team has managed the feat. In short, my UK/AU/NZ readers will be able to read My Inconvenient Duke on their e-readers as soon as my US readers do.

It will not have the exact same cover (please see contract, etc note above), as you can see if you compare the cover here with the one on the Books page. But I think the non-US/Canadian version is quite as nicely done, and like the U.S. version, it includes the house, which I’ll talk about in a future blog post.

As to other formats, like audio: Again, please see the note about contracts & rights, etc. When/if we have an audio release for you, I’ll let you know promptly. I’m sorry we don’t have it now, but oh, it’s complicated… Let’s keep our fingers crossed.