Chirp audio deal for "Scandal Wears Satin"

Cover for book, "Scandal Wears Satin," with a blonde woman in a blue gown

The deals are coming thick and fast lately. One ends and another begins. This time, it’s the second Dressmakers book, Scandal Wears Satin. Until 1 April, the Chirp audio book is $6.99.

If you’re not familiar with Sophy’s story, you can read an overview and an excerpt here.

With more blog posts to come, I’m keeping this one short. If you haven’t yet heard Kate Reading bring my characters to life, you can sample the audio. If you like what you hear, this is a great way to get the whole book at a bargain price.

EBook and Audio deals for a short time only

Ten Things I Hate About the Duke will be released on Tuesday 1 December. Meanwhile, though, I’ve discovered some special, short-term deals on several of my books.

In eBooks at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Apple, and maybe other retailers:

Silk is for Seduction $1.99

Scandal Wears Satin $3.99

Dukes Prefer Blondes $3.99

Miss Wonderful $2.99

Not Quite a Lady $3.99

Via chirp, audio CDs of my Dressmakers books #1-3 are on sale for $3.99

Scandal Wears Satin Has an Audio Problem

I recently learned from a reader that it is currently impossible to download a legitimate Scandal Wears Scandal audiobook.

Let me just step aside for a minute and swear violently.

OK. I’m better now. Somewhat better.

As happened last year with two other of my Dressmakers books, we have a case of an expired sublicense. Thanks to the reader who called my attention to the problem, I’ve alerted my publisher, who’s proceeding forthwith to reissue the audiobook. Unfortunately, in cases like these forthwith proceeds at a slower pace than we’d like, and this audiobook will not be available until 3 November 2020. I’m not sure why we have a longer wait this time than last time. It might have to do with HarperAudio doing the publishing now. If by any chance the audiobook becomes available at an earlier date, I’ll be sure to let you know.

My apologies for the annoyance. Authors should be issued magic wands to take care of these matters instantly. But then, if I had a magic wand, my current WIP would have been finished a year ago.