Historical Romance Panel Now on YouTube

Recently, historical romance author Elizabeth Everett and Liz Donatelli of the Reader Seeks Romance Channel invited me to join a panel for an episode of Unchaperoned, "The Evolution & Future of Historical Romance." Author Eloisa James, Sarah Fickeromance fiction historian and English professor at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill— and I had a lively discussion with our hosts.

We debated “Old School" & "New School" styles of historical romance storytelling, changes in covers, strange occurrences and/or ideas in historical romance marketing, writing historical romance for modern audiences, and the tremendous popularity of Bridgerton. We discussed our influences and aims and the evolution of the genre.

Heady stuff, yes—and our panel was Part One, with Part Deux coming soon.

The program lasts about an hour, but that hour went quickly for us, as I hope it will do for you, and offer some food for thought. The link is below.

The Evolution & Future of Historical Romance PART 1

In other news: A quick reminder that I’ll be at the Ashland Public Library in Ashland, Massachusetts for a RomCon on 18 May. You can find details here.

And the third Difficult Dukes book is in production. As soon I learn the release date, I’ll post it here.

The Two Nerdy History Girls Chat Is Now Online. Also, Other Matters.

So there are these long stretches of time when you don’t hear from me . . . and then I inundate you. This ought to be the last one for a while at least.

Our most recent Two Nerdy History Girls chat is now online. You can watch it on YouTube here.

Susan Holloway Scott and I had a wonderful time—again—chatting with Meena Jain and readers about nerdy historical matters. We talked about 18th and 19th century travel quite a bit, and the dangers and discomforts thereof. I also mentioned a couple of nerdy history resources I’ve made frequent use of.

The Epicure’s Almanack: Eating and Drinking in Regency London, ed. Janet Ing Freeman. This is one of the books I might never have found on my own, so I’m grateful to author Candice Hern for calling my attention to it. If you don’t follow Candice on Facebook, you might want to start. She offers all kinds of fascinating historical material, including items from her amazing collection.

Paterson’s Roads (yes, that’s the correct spelling). Though I managed to get my hands on a crumbling 1830s edition, you will find many editions online. You can read an interesting blog post about it here at the Public Domain website.

save the date image with flowers

Detail adapted from a kimono design in Yachigusa by Ueno, Seikō, 1901, Smithsonian Libraries colection

Coming Attractions

Meena Jain has very kindly invited the Two Nerdy History Girls for a return engagement on 17 June at 7pm.

She’s also invited me to join—this time in person—another cast of stellar authors for a RomCon in the spring.

Romancing New England RomCon 2024 - Romance Authors Festival at the Ashland Public Library, Ashland Massachusetts, on Saturday 18 May from 10-4pm

If you’re in the area, I hope you’ll attend. We have fewer opportunities to talk to readers in person these days, and Meena Jain and her team organize an especially enjoyable event.

More official posts will appear as we draw closer to the dates.

P.S. And for all the kind readers who signed up for this blog after the 2NHG chat: Due to deadline and then a flurry of catchup activity, combined with my own technological incompetence, I wasn’t able to update the subscribers list until today. Some of you may want to check out the blog post just before this one, wherein the fate of the third Difficult Dukes book is revealed.