EBooks in Australia

My dear, patient readers in Australia,

First, thank you for taking the time and trouble to let me know you're not able to purchase the digital editions of my recent books.  We had assumed that they'd be made available at the same time or close to the time the books became available in the UK.  Without your emails, we would have continued in ignorance.

So, emails have been going back and forth and contracts reviewed and a lot of aggravating complications—which make international publishing  bear an alarming resemblance to Dickens's Circumlocution Office, only more circumlocutory—have worried our pretty little heads.

And now at last I have some good news:  My three Dressmakers books—Silk is for Seduction, Scandal Wears Satin, and Vixen in Velvet—will be released digitally in Australia in July, August, and September 2014, respectively.  Interestingly, the print editions will come out later, staring with Silk is for Seduction in December.

The situation with the Carsington series, which was licensed to a different publisher (thus different complications), is now going through the email and pretty little head-worrying phase.  I'll keep you updated as I learn more.

Meanwhile, thank you for caring enough about my books to inform me about these problems.  We're tackling them, I promise.  But it's a slow process, and so I can only ask for more of that wonderful patience of yours—and hope you don't give up on me.

